Eileen Rodriguez

Certified Health Coach

My name is Eileen Rodriguez, and I am passionate about living a healthy life, both mentally and physically.

Throughout life, my greatest joy has been my involvement in groups that focus on learning and exploring. I have enjoyed teaching Spanish, writing, and history classes and have also had the pleasure of co-leading outdoor adventure camps in Trinidad, Arizona, and Montana. I have worked as an activities coordinator at a memory care facility and a water aerobics instructor at the YMCA.

With my expertise, your healthy choices will become habits.

My need to explore and learn shifted to health when my parents began to experience health problems. Inspired by my mom’s success in preventing diabetes after a diagnosis of pre-diabetes, I wanted to know if there was a similar way to help my dad, who was beginning to show signs of memory loss. Eventually, I discovered Dr. Bredesen’s book The End of Alzheimer’s, the first book I found that offered hope for preventing and even reversing cognitive decline. As we attempted to ward off my dad’s decline, I longed for the support needed to help implement the necessary lifestyle changes. The task of learning while trying to encourage my mom, who was my dad’s primary caregiver, was daunting. Since the protocol was just being developed, it was unclear at what stage improvement was still possible, but the improvements we saw kept us motivated. My experience working with my dad has inspired me to support people seeking to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease.